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    王海磊,男,1978年9月,河南睢县人,汉族,中共原贝博bb平台登录,原贝博bb平台登录中国)电子通信有限公司官网员,本科毕业于河南师范大原贝博bb平台登录,原贝博bb平台登录中国)电子通信有限公司官网物技术专业,中国科原贝博bb平台登录,原贝博bb平台登录中国)电子通信有限公司官网生物物理学博士,河南师范大学特聘教授,河南省高校科技创新人才,新加坡南洋理工大学访问学者。申请国家发明专利15项。在Biotechnology Bioengineering、Applied Environmental Microbiology、Biotechnology for Biofuels等国内外期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇。Biotechnology Bioengineering、Environmental Science Technology、Water Research、Biotechnology Progress、Bioresource Technology、Biochemical Engineering Journal、Enzyme and microbial technology、Process Biochemistry、Journal of Applied Microbiology等多个国际期刊审稿专家。


1. 微生物间相互作用机制;

2. 创新药物、新型食品添加剂的微生物发酵与产业化;

3. 肠道细菌的精确编辑技术。


1. 中国科原贝博bb平台登录,原贝博bb平台登录中国)电子通信有限公司官网湖北产业创新及育成中心生物技术工程化中心技术委员会委员;

2. 功能微生物绿色转化河南省工程实验室、资源微生物与功能分子河南省重点实验室副主任;

3. 中国微生物学会会员,河南省微生物学会常务理事。


    承担3项国家自然科学基金项目[丝状真菌Phanerochaete sp. HSD促进好氧活性污泥快速颗粒化的机理. 2011.1-2013.12 (No.51008119);一种青霉红色素的二元发酵机制研究.2015.1-2017.12(U1404301);Phanerochaete chrysosporium 生物强化削减猪粪堆肥中四环素抗性基因的机制.2017.01-2019.12(U160411067)]. 此外主持河南师范大学特聘教授启动基金(2012年),河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目[黄孢原毛平革菌厚垣孢子化机制研究,18HASTIT039]; 河南省青年骨干教师项目[2015.01-2017.12, 基于基因水平的Phanerochaete chrysosporium厚垣孢子的诱导机制研究(2015GGJS-091)]及企业横向课题等项目多项。



1.Li Ping, Jing Ruxian, Jia Pei, Li Zhuoya, Liu Guosheng, Wang Zhenyu, Wang Hailei*.Whole-cell biosynthesis of cytarabine by an unnecessary protein-reduced Escherichia coli that coexpresses purineand uracil phosphorylase. Biotechnology Bioengineering 2022, DOI: 10.1002/bit.28098

2. Yi Li, Xiaomin Wu, Xiaobing Jiang, LeiLiu, Hailei Wang*. Algicidal activity of Aspergillus niger induced by calciumion as signal molecule on Microcystis aeruginosa. Algal Research 2021,60: 102536

3.Liu L, Li H, Liu Y, Li Y, Wang H*. Whole Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the molecular mechanisms of chlamydospore-like cell formation in Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Front Microbiol. 2020, 11: 527389.

4.Jiang X, Ren S, Geng Y, Yu T, Li Y, Liu L, Liu G, Wang H*, Shi L. The sugoperon involves in resistance to quaternary ammonium compounds in Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 2020, 104(16): 7093-7104.

5. Xiaobing Jiang, Yimin Geng, Siyu Ren, Tao Yu, Yi Li,Guosheng Liu, Hailei Wang*, Hecheng Meng, Lei Shi. The VirAB-VirSR-AnrAB multi-component system involves in resistance of Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e to cephalosporins, bacitracin, nisin,benzalkonium chloride and ethidium bromide. Applied Environmental Microbiology 2019, 85(20): e01470-19.

6. Lei Liu,Jie Song,Yi Li,Ping Li,Hailei Wang*.Robust and cost-saving static solid cultivation method for lipid production using the chlamydospores of Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2019, 12:123

7. Yi Li, Zhiyu Zhang, Yingxing Duan, Hailei Wang*. The effect of recycling culture medium after harvesting of Chlorella vulgaris biomass by flocculating bacteria on microalgal growth and the functionary mechanism. Bioresource Technology 2019, 280:188-198.

8. Kun Zhang, Xinxin Lu, Yi Li, Xiaobing Jiang, Lei Liu, Hailei Wang*. New technologies provide more metabolic engineering strategies for bioethanol production in Zymomonas mobilis. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 2019,103: 2087–2099.

9. Yi Li, Xu Yanting,Zheng Tianling,Wang Hailei*. Aminoacids in cell wall of Gram-positive bacterium Micrococcus sp. hsn08 with flocculation activity on Chlorella vulgaris biomass. Bioresource Technology 2018,249:417-424

10.Yi Li, Xu Yanting, Lei Liu, Ping Li, Yue Yan, Tong Chen, Zheng Tianling, Wang Hailei*. Flocculation mechanism of Aspergillus niger on havesting of Chlorella vulgaris biomass. Algal Research 2017, 25: 402-412

11. Yi Li, Xu Yanting, Zheng Tianling, Wang Hailei*.Flocculation mechanism of the actinomycete Streptomyces sp. hsn06 on chlorella vulgaris. Bioresource Technology 2017, 239: 137-143

12. Wang Hailei*, Li Ping, Wang Ying, LiuLei, Yao Jianming. Metagenomic insight into the bioaugmentation mechanism of Phanerochaete chrysosporium in anactivated sludge system treating cokingwastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 321: 820-829

13. Yi Li, Yanting Xu, Lei Liu, Xiaobing Jiang, KunZhang, Tianling Zheng, Hailei Wang *. First evidence of bioflocculant from Shinella albus with flocculationactivity on harvesting of Chlorella vulgaris biomass. Bioresource Technology 2016, 218: 807-815

14. Wang Hailei*, Li Ping, Qin Yu,Yang Hui. Removal ofphenol in phenolic resin wastewater by a novel biomaterial: the Phanerochaete chrysosporium pelletcontaining chlamydospore-like cells. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 2016, 100(11): 5153-5164

15. Wang Hailei*, Li Ping, Jin Qianlong, Qin Ge. Specific aerobic granules can be developed in a completely mixed tank reactor by bioaugmentation using micro-mycelial pellets of Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 2014, 98: 2687-2697


1. 王海磊,王刚,刘宇峰,彭玉婉。一种适于切花菊连作障碍消除的土壤修复剂及其使用方法(ZL201410117044.2),已授权

2. 王海磊,李平,刘国生。一种黄孢原毛平革菌厚垣孢子的培养方法(ZL201010553798.4) ,已授权

3. 曹媛媛,姚建铭,李。醵,翟志军,王海磊,王姗姗,严守保。一种利用餐厨废弃物生产微生物油脂的方法( ZL200910184813) ,已授权

4. 王海磊,刘宇峰,杨玉华,李平。一种利用废纸粉碎物提高灵芝漆酶产量的方法(ZL201410494078.3) ,已授权

5. 王海磊,王莹,李平,李祎,刘磊。一种利用黄孢原毛平革菌固体发酵玉米秸秆生产厚垣孢子样细胞的方法(201610117193.8)

6. 王海磊,秦雨,李祎,李平。一种用于处理高浓度苯酚废水的微生物固化床反应器(ZL201610306550.5),已授权

7. 王海磊。一种天然红色素的生产方法(CN201010553797.x)



10. 邵云,王海磊,张黛静,胡永娟,马建辉,姜丽娜。一种用于修复麦田重金属铬污染土壤的复合菌剂(CN 2014103911331.A)


12. 李祎,王海磊,张志宇,刘磊,姜晓冰,张昆。一种高效收集微藻生物质的絮凝物质的提取方法及其应用(CN201910321904.7)

13. 李祎,王海磊,张志宇,刘磊,姜晓冰,张昆。一种强效抑藻活性物质的提取方法及其应用(CN201910419644.7)

14. 王海磊,李卓娅,刘玉雪,王振宇,刘国生等。一种利用NsGfo氧化还原酶催化核苷合成阿糖核苷的方法(CN202011205047.3).







